East Liverpool City Hospital
Lawrence DiDomenico DPM
Hospital Description
ELCH, Mercy St Elizabeth Health System Boardman, St. Joes and Youngstown, Southwoods, Salem Hospital, Trinity Health System, Ohio Surgical Center, Select Specialty Hospital.
Internal Medicine, Family Medicine
Clinical Experiences
Preparing the resident for National Boards and management of both inpatient and outpatient care. Extensive surgical training
Didactic Program
Resident Benefits
1. $2,000 medical education stipend
2.. Paid Time off (PTO) 15 days first year and 18 second and third
Applicant Requirements
Pass NBPME boards 1 & 2.
Available Resources
Program Overview
Comprehensive surgical training with high volume (approximately 750 cases) and high quality procedures (scopes, ex fix, TAR, Charcot recon, etc). Great relationship with orthopedic surgeons. Primary attendings include fellowship-trained foot and ankle surgeons (MD and DPMs). Daily morning didactics from various surgical texts with weekly attending driven radiology conference. Monthly workshops and wet labs at a state of the art cadaver lab and facility, often multiple a month. Guest lecturers via online platform from leading orthopedic institutions from across the European medical world. Monthly journal club and case presentations. High emphasis on research. Good exposure to wound care at affiliated hospital-based wound healing centers.
We are looking for hard-working team players that blend well and who are teachable. Former externs will get preference.