Henry Ford Warren Hospital
Hospital Description
Two main hospitals
Office-based rotations – 10 available physicians
Wound care center, Unasource surgery center, Premier Surgical Center, Beaumont Health System
Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, ENT, Urology, GI, ObGyn, Cardiology, Nephrology, Interventional Cardiology, Transitional Year
Clinical Experiences
Residents Rotate through Attending Doctor’s clinics
Wound Care Clinic on-site
Podiatric Surgery, diabetic woundcare/footcare, general podiatry, sports medicine, podiatric clinic, ER trauma
Didactic Program
Resident Benefits
$1,500 medical educational stipend per academic year. Covered in addition to the stipend is AO course and Either Scope or Ex-Fix course.
Applicant Requirements
Available Resources
Program Overview
This podiatric residency (PMSR/RRA) is a well integrated program with an emphasis on podiatric surgery, diabetic footcare, and clinic. Residents follow inpatients at 2 hospitals with a combined total of 535 beds, and over 54 attendings. With a large surgical base, residents are expected to take on a multitude of responsibilities furthering their podiatric careers. For more information please, visit the hospital website. Program visitation and or student externship is strongly encouraged.
Program marketing video available as well.