Residency Programs
Andrew Meyr DPM
Hospital Description
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine; Jeanes Hospital; Abington Hospital; UPMC Susquehanna
TUH has 30+ other residency and fellowship programs representing nearly every medical field/speciality.
Clinical Experiences
Extensive general surgical training on the trauma surgery, vascular surgery, and burn surgery services at a Level 1 trauma center.
We also offer and have the opportunity for elective rotations.
Trauma, Reconstructive surgery, Diabetic Limb Preservation,
Science, Professional Leadership
Didactic Program
Resident Benefits
Dental, eye and health insurance
Applicant Requirements
*Clerkship is not required but highly recommended.
We have recently opened our clerkship to other school besides TUSPM, and have selected residents from other schools.
Available Resources
Program Overview
Temple University Hospital is a Level-1 Trauma center and our residency program is well-integrated into the hospital and with the 30+ other residency/fellowship programs offered by our GME office. This is a competitive and academically strong residency program. Our clerkship is strongly recommended for interested applicants.
We take a lot of pride in providing our residents with the full scope of foot and ankle surgery, and our residents graduate with the confidence to handle any pathology that presents to their offices. A lot of this comes from working multiple emergency rooms in North Philadelphia and working closely with our surgical trauma service, but also includes elective forefoot and rearfoot reconstructions. We also work closely with our Vascular Surgery Department through the Temple Limb Salvage Center with respect to diabetic limb preservation techniques.