Residency Programs
Hospital Description
Atlanta Center for Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery, Ambulatory Laser and Surgery Center, Bakotic Pathology Associates; Grady Memorial Hospital; Martin Army Community Hospital
Emory University College of Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine. All medical and surgical programs.
Clinical Experiences
Busy clinical experiences ranging inclusive of wound care, pathomechanics and in-office procedures.
Endocrinology has also been added.
Diabetic limb salvage with complex forefoot/rearfoot/ankle surgery at Atlanta VA. There is a rotation at Fort Moore army base for increased rearfoot and trauma experience in PGY 1 and 3 years. Residents also scrub surgeries at two local surgery center and Grady Memorial Hospital.
Didactic Program
Resident Benefits
Attendance at annual GPMA-Georgia Summit Seminar and annual Podiatry Institute Seminar, Atlanta, GA. Opportunity for research. ABPM and ABFAS in-training exams.
Applicant Requirements
Candidates will be interviewed at CRIP with preference given to clerks. Proof of citizenship and selective service registration required.
Available Resources
Program Overview
The residency program is equipped with a busy, robust outpatient clinic with a large number of hands-on patient encounters, wound care clinic, and complex cases. The surgical experiences are comprehensive and well-rounded to include foot and reconstructive rearfoot experiences. The pathology residents are exposed to is vast and make this program unique. Core rotations are completed at Atlanta VAMC. External rotations include one month per year and/or surgical experiences as offered at Grady Memorial Hospital podiatry and surgery, foot and ankle surgery at metro surgery centers, a two-week Bako pathology mini-residency, a clinical pediatrics rotation, and an annual monthly rotation at Martin Army Community Hospital/Fort Moore for increased RF/trauma exposure. Robust academic program to include journal club, board reviews, case defense, etc. Residents at the time of graduation are well-prepared to sit for the ABFAS and ABPM board-qualification examinations. Website: