Emergency Medicine; General Surgery; Orthopedic Surgery; Family Medicine; Internal Medicine; OB/GYN; G-I Fellowship; Pulm/Critical Care Fellowship; Cardiology Fellowship; Hem/Onc Fellowship
Clinical Experiences
Anesthesiology: yes
Behavioral Science: yes
Dermatology: no
Diabetic Wound Care: yes
Emergency Room: yes
Family Practice: yes
Internal Medicine: yes
Infectious Disease: yes
Neurology: no
Orthopedics: yes
Office Rotations: yes
Outpatient Clinic: yes
Pathology/Lab: yes
Pediatrics: no
Plastic Surgery: no
Podiatry: yes
Podiatry (Surgery): yes
Radiology: yes
Rehabilitation: yes
Rheumatology: yes
Surgery: yes
Trauma: yes
Vascular Surgery: yes
Other Clinical Experiences:
Orthotics & Prosthetics, Endocrinology, Physical Therapy, Wound Care
Program Emphasis:
General foot and ankle, elective reconstructive foot and ankle surgery, and diabetic foot care, limb salvage
Didactic Program
Grand Rounds: yes
Book Club: yes
Journal Club: yes
Research: yes
Lecture Series: yes
Resident Benefits
First Year: $58665
Second Year: $60646
Third Year: $62387
Fourth Year: n/a
CME Allowance: yes
Health Insurance: yes
Malpractice Insuarance: yes
Housing: no
Meals: no
Sick Leave: yes
Uniforms: yes
Vacation: yes
Other Resident Benefits:
Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance. Educational Stipend $3,000 per year and PTO 20 days per year.
Applicant Requirements
Mail additional fees and required documents not included in your CASPR application and any non-electronic document to this address: One Genesys Parkway Attn: Dr. Tonya VanOrder, Grand Blanc, MI 484398066
Program Application Fee: n/a
Refundable: n/a
Payable to: n/a
Clerkship Required: no
State Licensure: Training
ACLS: yes
CPR: yes
Minimum GPA: 3.0 (unless you have completed an externship)
Minimum Rank: top half
Other Applicant Requirements:
Excellent teamwork and communication.
Available Resources
Sample Contract: Contact Program
Benefit Package: Contact Program
Curriculum: Contact Program
Program Overview
The rotations encompass a wide range of General Medical and Surgical learning experiences in a friendly and supportive educational environment. The residency includes a resident staffed Foot Clinic and podiatric surgical experiences in a beautiful state of the art 410 bed teaching Hospital campus. There is ample interaction with a committed, involved and friendly staff who provide extensive podiatric office learning opportunities, assuring an outstanding educational program. Residents receive a competitive salary and benefit package. An excellent one month Externship/Clerkship program is also available.