Residency Programs
Hospital Description
CHE-Beaumont Grosse Pointe, Lakes Amb W. Bloomfield, MI. Beaumont Livonia Amb, Beaumont Lennox Amb, MI
General Surgery, Ortho, ENT, OB/GYN, IM, Endocrinology, Radiology, EM, Fam Med, ID, Cardiology, Neurology, Pulmonary Med, Gastroenterology, Nephrology, Dermatology, Plastics, Diabetic Limb salvage/Wound Care Fellowship
Clinical Experiences
Wound Care, CHE-Beaumont Grosse Pt, Beaumont Livonia, Lennox Amb Ctr, Lakes Amb Ctr, Pod Sx, Podiatric Office Rotations, Endocrinology-CHE-FHH
Podiatric Medicine-Foot and Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery, Foot/Ankle Trauma, Biomechanics, Diabetic Limb Salvage, Diabetic Wound Care, Podiatric Med Clinics, Podiatric Research.
Didactic Program
Resident Benefits
CME:PGY1:$800.PGY2/3:$1200.ACFAS-Surgical Courses tuition; AO Basic + Advanced Courses. Poster Presentation Funds.PRR,Bd Vitals,In-Training Exam fees, other benefits see website.
Applicant Requirements
CV, 3 Letters of Recommendation, Dean’s Letter (if available)
Available Resources
Program Overview
Corewell Health East (Beaumont) Farmington Hills (BFH) is a PMSR/RRA(36 Month)program.The PMSR/RRA, and med and surg specialties are well structured with didactic,clinical and surg experiences with expanded RRA trauma resources.Knowledge,skills & professional attitudes (KSA’s) are closely monitored and encouraged in all rotations.BFH is a well-established community teaching hosp with over 180 housestaff,12 ACGME residency,fellowship,R-1’s,+PMSR/RRA program.Pod has very busy pod clinics including Wound Care BGP & BFH and affiliated institutions with over 5000+patient visits.Research is mentored and supported.Pod Residents have fully equipped work offices with computers&internet access,Flat ScreenTV,Ref.Library and Resident Quarters fully equipped. BFH has Fully functional Skills Lab/CR.Excellent clerkship available.Hosp visits welcome.Visit, go to educ.for Podiatry. EM: