Residency Programs
Oleg Petrov DPM
Hospital Description
25 affiliated institutions
Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Family Practice, OB/GYN, Transitional Year, and Preliminary
Clinical Experiences
Enter Poster Competition, Abstract Competition, 2 Publishable Papers
Preparedness for complete practice competency, micro-nerve repair, flaps and grafts, external fixators
Didactic Program
Resident Benefits
CME Allowance: $875 in July and $875 in January.
Applicant Requirements
Must pass Parts I and II boards.
The program requires attendance at hospital orientation one week prior to the official start date of the residency program. The week of orientation is usually the third full week of June. New residents are paid for the week of orientation. Orientation week usually begins on or about June 18th. Applicants are encourage to keep orientation week available in their personal calendars and not schedule any significant events during this time.
Available Resources
Program Overview
-All applications are reviewed and considered. Graduates from all podiatric medical schools are considered for the residency program. The program offers a hospital clerkship.
-Clerkships are granted and processed utilizing the Universal Externship Application, all required documents must be received 2 weeks prior to the rotation start date.
Contact: Trish Boskovic at for information
-See for information and current updates.